
Friday, March 1, 2013

Rincón, until we “Dance Again”

I ran away to Rincón
To experience something new in life.
Took a look into the eyes of others,
To see how they live, love and sacrifice.

Challenged my mind,
To see beauty at it’s best.
Remembering not to take nature for granted
And attempt to see past some of this world’s fucked up little mess.

Traveling this earth is where I feel I really belong.
It’s moments where I know no one that genuinely make me feel at home.

My advice to you,
Is to value life in all it’s forms.
Because the more chances you take,
The more you’ll learn from.

Never look back,
And wear your heart on your sleeve.
The world is yours to experience,
To hear, feel, smell and see.

So Puerto Rico,
Until we “Dance Again”,
I’ll close my eyes, turn off the lights,
And pretend I’m at La Estación.

With The Disfunction blasting in my ears,
Track 7 seems to be the only song I want to hear.
And so I’ll “...keep on dancing...”
To hold onto this emotion.
Just let the music flow through my blood,
Like the waves in the Puerto Rican ocean.

The song above is The Disfunction, the Indie Rock band I came across in Rincon. It was love at first sound. Not only is the band amazing but ladies, their all easy on the eyes too haha ;) For all my music lovers, be sure to check them out, they remind me a lot of The Killers! I always consider a great album to be one you can listen all the way through without having to skip over any songs and I've been listening to this cd nonstop since Many (The smoking hot lead singer) gave it to me. Be sure to "like" them on Facebook and/or listen to some more of their music on Soundcloud