
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Happiness hit her, like a train on track

"Each morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most." -Buddha

(This is what I have the pleasure of waking up to for the next week.)

So let me catch you up on the past couple days here in Puerto Rico... not through words, instead photographs (ignore the quality, taken with my iPhone)

My first night in town we started off with a few drinks at Calypso and then headed down to The Bohio where our good friend Ry Mac, who on the island is known as the "Drum Bum", was playing. Had the pleasure of seeing a bunch of the OC guys, Mac, Sonny, Dietrich, Nick Longenbach, and met some new ones!

Here's a video of the Drum Bum himself!

Later that night Diana and I went to dinner and had my personal favorite, SUSHI, at the pool bar!

The picture on the right is a picture of the beach that is known as The Marina, that we went to yesterday. It was a bit cloudy, so we only spent about an hour there but either way it was relaxing and like Zac Efron, easy on the eyes.

Top picture is a view from Shannon's house, which is where I'm staying. Pretty spoiled, it's like The Ritz of Rincon, and when I say The Ritz I am not referring to the strip club in Fells Point. The bottom right is a mini waterfall in Rincon that Jay says is a well kept secret, not many know about it. Beyond excited to jump off the big one in a few days. And then of course, there's my new friend on the bottom right, who thinks I remind him of his daughter. Pretty sure I will post something later this week in honor of him. I told him him we were from Maryland and he somehow knew where Princess Anne and Salisbury are and went on to tell me he stayed in Princess Anne for two weeks and "never saw a white person." Very entertaining, and lots of great stories from this man!

Made a little collage between two photos, the ocean and me at the famous "413 Road to Happiness" bus stop. I wanted to take a picture drinking out of a bottle of booze with a few local Puerto Rican men but Diana wouldn't take the picture. Don't worry, I'll get it before I leave!

Signing off for now, headed to hike around the island with Shannon, hopefully get rid of this pasty skin.

"Happiness hit her, like a train on a track..."


  1. Thanks! xoxo. I'm trying really hard to stick with it! Only part that sucks is I only write good when I feel something otherwise I have writer's block! Let me know if you have any ideas!
